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Mead Vale CommunityPrimary SchoolWork Hard. Be Kind.


Welcome toMead Vale CommunityPrimary SchoolWork Hard. Be Kind.

Personal, Social, Health Education

PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) at Mead Vale School is taught through Jigsaw- a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives – now and in the future, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society, and links to our whole school values of courage, curiosity and community.

Curriculum enrichment


To ensure children are receiving a wide range of support we invite organisations to work with us regularly.  Here are a few examples of organisations who have worked with us in the past.




Whole school events


Throughout the year there are times where we get together to support a topical issue.  This may be supporting a charity or a national day such as children's mental health or pride week.  Where possible we also ask parents and the community to be part of these events in order to raise their profile.

Pride cake competition

Pride week cake competition

Colour run for world mental health day

Wearing green for children's mental health day

Connect with each other event

5 ways of well being morning



Wake and Shake

At least once a term we participate in wake and shake linked to the 5 ways of well-being.  The children come in and spend the first part of the morning dancing!  Watch out for the videos on Facebook. 

Education Mental Health Practitioner

As a school we were lucky enough in September 2024 to invite Sammy to be part of our Mead Vale Community.  She is in sight every Thursday and supports the school not only through working with 1:1 on an individual basis but also by promoting the 5 ways of well being through assemblies.
