Aspens Catering
Our catering providers are Aspens catering. Our school meals are cooked fresh on the premises in our canteen.
A school meal is priced at £2.55 per day/per child for those not in receipt of Free School Meals from the 2nd September 2024. There will be a further increase from 1st February 2025 to £2.60 per day/ per child. Please see the website Aspens Services for more company information.
There will be a meat choice, a vegetarian choice, jacket potatoes sandwiches and hot pasta choice. Parents are able to book and pay for meals directly with Aspens Select. Parents need to register with the school code 632127 and an individual child code which will be given to you by the office staff.
Website link:
If your child has a special dietary need such as an intolerance, allergy or avoidance please look over the guidance in the links below.
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are able to have a 'Universal Free School Meal' at lunchtime. This offer does not depend on your household income or whether you receive any benefits- every child in these classes is eligible to take up this offer.
Drinks Bottles
Children need to bring in a water bottle every day filled with water.
Packed Lunches
Children may also bring a packed lunch but no glass containers. We ask that parents do not include nut products in packed lunches as we have children in school with nut allergies.
If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply using the on-line checker which gives you an instant decision on eligibility. The new checker can be found at
To qualify for free school meals, parents or carers must receive one or more of these benefits:
· Income support
· Income-based job seeker’s allowance (JSA)
· Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
· Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act (NASS) 1999
· The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
· Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
· Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
· Universal Credit with annual Take Home Pay/Net Earnings below £7,400 (which equals £616.67 per month) benefits not included
Children will receive free milk, a third pint carton up to their 5th birthday. Children over the age of 5 can receive milk in one of two ways:
If they are entitled to free school meals (not universal free school meals) milk can be provided free of charge throughout their time at school. Please contact the school office if your child is entitled to free school meals and would like to receive milk.
If children are not free school meal eligible, an opportunity to continue receiving milk beyond their fifth birthday is available at a cost. Please arrange this with the school office or telephone the School Milk Service on 01934510950 or visit